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20 Strategies to Beat Depression

#1 Get consistent sunlight outdoors to improve mood and increase vitamin D levels
#2 Surround yourself with positive people and remove toxic individuals from your life
#3 Avoid isolating yourself and make an effort to be part of a community
#4 Take care of your physical health through nutritious eating and exercise
#5 Get good sleep and have a consistent sleep schedule
#6 Have physical touch for oxytocin
#7 Get a better job
#8 Balance consuming with giving, producing and creating
#9 Process your trauma and grief to reach acceptance and move forward.
#10 Find your purpose or what makes you feel alive
#11 Seek help from therapists, life coaches, or friends or support groups.
#12 Consider getting a pet for companionship and responsibility.
#13 Spend time in nature
#14 Music: singing and playing music
#15 Comedy
#16 Limit substance abuse and consider 12-step programs for addiction.
#17 Chase beauty and find inspiration in art, people, and places.
#18 Try new things and be open to change.
#19 Practice meditation and mindfulness to be present and content.
#20 Give it time and stay hopeful for a better future.

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